Social Responsibility Policy

In all our activities, respect for society, the environment, and people is our fundamental principle.
Respect for Laws We comply with all applicable legal regulations and adhere to all contractual provisions and ethical rules in our relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees.
No Forced Labor We do not engage in forced or unwilling labor.
No Child Labor We do not employ child labor and ensure working conditions that are suitable for the physical and social development of young workers in accordance with labor regulations.
Prevention of Harassment and Abuse We do not engage in or allow physical, psychological, or sexual harassment.
Wages We pay employees at least the applicable minimum wage on time, ensure that the actual wages written in the employment contracts are processed, and pay all related taxes, insurance, and similar deductions accurately and on time to the relevant authorities.
Working Hours We establish and apply working hours and durations in accordance with applicable legal regulations.
Prevention of Discrimination We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, language, gender, ethnicity, etc., and we evaluate hiring, wage determination, and promotions based on objective criteria.
Occupational Health and Safety We comply with all legal regulations related to occupational health, proactively identify and eliminate potential hazards that may jeopardize the health and safety of employees and the work environment, and continuously improve and develop with consideration of international regulations in this field.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining We are open to all worker organizations in accordance with the law.
Environment We comply with all environmental regulations and control any activities that may pollute the environment.
Management Systems We continuously improve the implementation and development of the social compliance system by monitoring and following transparent management systems that ensure traceability.