Environmental Policy

To protect and ensure the sustainability of our environment, it is our fundamental principle to comply with all environmental laws and regulations, keep environmental impacts under control, continuously improve our environmental performance by reducing these impacts, and conduct all our activities with this awareness to leave a livable, clean environment for future generations.
As ZEYNAR MENSUCAT SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş., to ensure the continuity of our policy, we commit to:
- Complying with all legal and customer requirements related to environmental aspects, ensuring continuous improvement and development.
- Reducing the use of input materials and conserving natural resources by adopting technologies that cause the least harm to the environment within the framework of technical and economic possibilities.
- Considering environmental impacts in facility and process design.
- Developing our environmental management system to continuously improve our environmental performance.
- Raising awareness among all our employees and stakeholders about our environmental responsibilities and ensuring their participation.
- Maintaining continuous communication with suppliers and customers to improve the environmental impacts of our products.
- Reducing waste generated from production, transportation, storage, operation, treatment, and maintenance activities by exploring recycling and reuse alternatives.
- Protecting health, safety, and environmental integrity by reducing emergency risks in compliance with occupational health and safety rules.