
Social Responsibility Policy

Social Responsibility Policy

Our principle in all our activities is to respect to community, the environment and the humanity. We hereby undertake;

Respect to the Laws
To follow all available legislation, all provisions of the contracts and codes of conduct in our relationships with our customers, suppliers and employees,

Forced Labour
Not to employ by force or reluctant employees,

Child Labour
Not to employ child labour; to provide working conditions according to the labour legislation and physical and social developments of the young workers,

Preventing Harassment and Maltreatment
To prevent and not to do any physical, psychological or sexual abuse,

To pay at least the minimum wage which is in force to the employees, to accrue the real wage written in business contracts and to pay any kind of tax, insurance and similar deductions to the related institutions in full and within time,

Working Hours
To determine and apply working hours and durations according to the available legislation,

Preventing Discrimination
Not to make discriminations such as race, religion, language, gender and ethnic origin; to evaluate according to the objective criteria in employment, wage determination and in promotions,

Occupational Health and Safety
To follow all legal regulations related to occupational health, to destroy risks by determining situations, which may endanger occupational health and safety of the work and workers, to make improvements and developments consistently by considering international legislations,

Collaboration and Collective Bargaining Freedom
To be open to union freedom conforming to the laws,

To follow all legal regulations related to the environment, to bring under control all activities that may cause pollution,

Management Systems
To improve all kinds of studies, by following them with traceable and transparent management systems in order to apply and develop the Social Conformity system.